Our labour movement is at a pivotal point in history. The AFL of the past is not the AFL we need for the future. The world is changing around us and we need to adapt so we can thrive! Now is the time to put emphasis back on working people — those who have the ideas and the first hand experience that can bring about meaningful change. I look forward to hearing about your needs and ideas for the future of our movement. The time will soon be upon us to create the Alberta labour movement we all deserve.

Greg Mady
for AFL President

I am excited to put my name forward to represent you and bring change to the Alberta Federation of Labour!

Together we can bring meaningful change to the lives of working people in this province. I promise to make this a mandate of my presidency, everyday — not just during an election.

Creating the conditions for change — our struggle continues...

Alberta workers are strong and have so much more to offer this province than just their labour. Through active organizing and responding to their needs, we can make the change workers everywhere need to see!

My Journey

We must focus on our path forward!

I come from a work floor, not a boardroom. As a result, I understand the needs of workers and what they need in a leader…

Our Path

Your voice, our movement. Let’s build it together!

Like all things worth doing, bringing change to the AFL isn’t going to be easy. That is why I need your help! Let’s talk about getting involved…

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