Five Steps for a
Better & Stronger AFL

It’s time we invest in the strength of our workers. We need to actively engage our members, meaningfully address issues they face and experience our wins together. We have some hard work ahead of us, but together we can make this province respond to our needs not their whims!

It’s Time for a Different Approach

The need to organize stakeholders has never been more urgent. I’ve spoken with workers across the province and the message is clear – It’s time to switch gears and engage on a new level. I’ve been active AFL committees for over half a decade – I know it rings hollow when you only hear from the leadership once every four years, just in time to ask you to get involved in an election. Where is the leadership on the everyday issues that matter to us? Where is the relationship with workers when they don’t need something from us? It’s time for a different approach. An AFL under my leadership will build stakeholder relationships and act in solidarity with workers on the issues that matter to them. Most importantly, I would listen to you, engage with you and work with you – together you will be able to hear your voice, in our movement.

Let’s Start the Conversation

Digital campaigns are a useful tool but they are not a substitute for actual conversations. We can’t build the future of Alberta’s labour movement or spark real change based on digital campaigns alone. What’s important is to ask people what they actually care about and learn how their specific concerns impact their lives. Thoughtful engagement with members is the best way to build trust, relationships and a united movement. We know, as unionists, there are key lessons that have worked in the past and have withstood the test of time — we should be applying this to our work. Let’s do what we know works and start building worker power together.

Mass Mobilization

We must prepare for a mass mobilization of workers. If we learned anything from the CUPE strike in Ontario or the implementation of Bill 32, it’s that if we are not ready to defend the rights of working people at every moment they will be taken away. If we, as union members, demand change, shoulder to shoulder with workers across this province, we can do anything! It is critical that we do the hard work of preparing to mobilize, especially if the AFL is actually intending to be “The Voice for Working People in Alberta!”

Cultivating Leaders

The AFL needs to be a place where future leaders feel comfortable enough to develop and hone their skills. We can all benefit from the lived experience of working people that extends far beyond our work floors. One of the greatest things about the labour movement is we bring together workers from all sectors and share our strength. This can be a Federation for all and it is my hope that we can make it happen.

Lead by Example

The AFL, like every other organization in the labour movement, must and will continue its core work. That’s why we have a team of highly trained professionals. They ensure that a labour lens is brought to campaigns, communications, research, and government relations. With their expertise making sure our organization is covering its bases I intend to lead by example and work tirelessly to help bring our members along so they can see themselves reflected in the work we do on their behalf. I believe a strong labour movement takes all of us, we need a movement where everyone is empowered to use their skills to contribute, as a leader I’ll ensure they can.